ADHD Resource LinksIt’s not just for kids…

These ADHD resource links are provided in the hopes of helping to improve understanding of a condition which suffers from a number of myths and stereotypes.  For example, “Only children experience ADHD.”  In fact, many adults live with ADHD as well.

Fortunately, a long history of research on ADHD means there is a wealth of information available on it.  Check out some of the links below.  Several well known experts are listed first, followed by a number of reliable websites from ADHD associations and more.

Dr. Russell Barkley:
No doubt the most well known and respected authority in ADHD research and treatment.

Dr. Kenny Handleman:
Closer to home, Dr. Handleman is based in Oakville, Ontario.  The title of one of his books – “Attention Difference Disorder” – says a lot about his recognition of the strengths associated with ADHD, and the fact that it is a different way of thinking, not an inferior way.

Dr. Thomas Brown:
Dr. Brown is a world leader in ADHD research and treatment; with a down-to-earth, engaging and humourous style. His website offers a wealth of information and advice, which is quite accessible as well as educational.

From their website: “Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) was founded in 1987 in response to the frustration and sense of isolation experienced by parents and their children with ADHD.” This enormous website offers a ton of help and ADHD resource links.

The Canadian equivalent of CHADD; providing in-depth ADHD information and resources.

ADDitude Magazine
For 25 years, ADDitude has distilled and made accessible the science behind ADHD, featured stories of people living with it, and provided an abundance of learning opportunities like webinars.

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